Andy Brindisi
We have had Carlos Henriques as our advisor since we started working with AdviceOne in 2014. I had not touched my 401(k) since I left UTC in September 2008. Immediately, Carlos helped us to develop a strategy to increase retirement funds yield and decrease retirement fund tax exposure. We consistently review how much of my IRA is in those funds to be sure there is enough to cover withdrawals for a period of years that we would be comfortable with.
We regularly meet with Carlos to review our investment strategy and make appropriate changes to assure appropriate financial growth and diversification. Further, to my wife’s delight, during our meetings, Carlos will map out our projected future financial growth, and if appropriate, he will encourage us to be less frugal and spend more.
Carlos has also advised us in strategies to expedite transferring wealth to our children upon our death. It should be noted that, in all instances, Carlos provides us information and recommendations, but he makes it clear that we are the ones to make the final decisions.